Wednesday, October 30, 2013

AdvoCare Team Dory - Look At Us!

We all love a good Transformation Tuesday story, and everyone that changes their lives with AdvoCare has a story to tell.  Whenever I attend an event and have a table or booth displaying some AdvoCare goodies, I also proudly display my "Look At Us Now" board.  This board was first put together by Michelle (an Advisor on my team) and I.  It simply says "Look At Us Now" on the top and has personal photos of some of our team members and their before and after successes.  Here is my very first Advisor on my team.  She is a mother of two sets of twin boys, a photographer, an e-cookbook author and so much more.  Here is the link to her blog and a blog post she wrote about AdvoCare.  Check out her blog and her AdvoCare success story here... Newlyweds Blog !

While I'm at it, here are some more pictures of my awesome team!!!  (What's a blog post without pictures anyway?!?!?)

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Transformation Tuesday 10-15-13

Here is another #TransformationTuesday from the#AdvoCare Home Office 24-Day Challenge™ that shows how the products aren't only for those wanting to lose weight. Meet our Communications and Public Relations Coordinator, Lindsay:

When I started working in the Marketing Department at #AdvoCare in April, I fell in love with the Performance Elite Line. I loved working out but didn’t have much muscle. I didn’t think that the Trim Line products would do much for me and my small frame but recently decided to complete a #24DayChallenge. Using the challenge and adjusting my lifestyle, I didn’t lose pounds but I found energy, increased workout performance and, most exciting, muscle!* Getting a jumpstart with the challenge and continuing with Catalyst™, MNS® Max 3 and BioCharge® while continuing to eat right and work out have made such a difference in my energy and overall body composition.* Not too long ago I struggled to do 10 pushups and now I can do over 40 - I can finally flex and have something to show for it!

Check out more transformation stories at!

Or visit my website at ADVODORY.COM or my Facebook group at Our AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge Facebook Page